To cel­e­brate Inter­na­tion­al Wom­en’s Day, through­out March, we will be shin­ing a spot­light on the #womenof­Swaab who are lead­ing our firm and have paved the way for the oth­ers to find their own suc­cess­es. Monique Love­day explains how prac­tic­ing this one rit­u­al con­tributes to her ongo­ing suc­cess in liv­ing a bal­anced lifestyle.

#Each­fore­qual #IWD2020

What’s a dai­ly or week­ly rit­u­al you have that con­tributes to your ongo­ing success?

Prac­tis­ing self-care. This has been key to me liv­ing a bal­anced life. 

As a Fam­i­ly Lawyer, and moth­er of two young chil­dren, I have a very lim­it­ed (almost non-exis­tent) amount of me’ time so it is essen­tial I use what­ev­er free time I have for self-care. 

For me self-care is going to a yoga class or eat­ing a healthy meal. Even sit­ting in silence for 5 min­utes is some­times all I need. 

I dis­cov­ered Yoga two years ago and this has been a game chang­er for me. It has done won­ders for my mind, body and soul. I am for­tu­nate enough to work in a firm that offers lunch time Yoga.

It is impor­tant for me to take care of myself so that I can take care of my clients and fam­i­ly. There is a rea­son we are instruct­ed by flight atten­dants to put on our face masks first in an emer­gency before we put on our child’s or oth­ers. That is because if we become uncon­scious due to lack of oxy­gen then we can­not help oth­ers. The same applies as a Lawyer and Moth­er. If I do not get my oxy­gen’ and thus become metaphor­i­cal­ly uncon­scious’, then how can I help those who real­ly need my help? The sim­ple answer is: I can’t. 

If you would like to repub­lish this arti­cle, it is gen­er­al­ly approved, but pri­or to doing so please con­tact the Mar­ket­ing team at marketing@​swaab.​com.​au. This arti­cle is not legal advice and the views and com­ments are of a gen­er­al nature only. This arti­cle is not to be relied upon in sub­sti­tu­tion for detailed legal advice.


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