This arti­cle high­lights the results of the Aus­tralian Legal Sec­tor Alliances’ (AusLSA) sec­ond Envi­ron­men­tal Con­sump­tion Report.

This arti­cle high­lights the results of the Aus­tralian Legal Sec­tor Alliances’ (AusLSA) sec­ond Envi­ron­men­tal Con­sump­tion Report, released in Novem­ber 2011. In the arti­cle Swaab is recog­nised for their excep­tion­al achieve­ment, a 27 per cent reduc­tion in their ener­gy footprint.

Swaab CEO and AusLSA board mem­ber, Bron­wyn Pott dis­cuss­es Swaabs’ effec­tive sus­tain­abil­i­ty strate­gies includ­ing the suc­cess­ful half lights” project.

If you would like to repub­lish this arti­cle, it is gen­er­al­ly approved, but pri­or to doing so please con­tact the Mar­ket­ing team at marketing@​swaab.​com.​au. This arti­cle is not legal advice and the views and com­ments are of a gen­er­al nature only. This arti­cle is not to be relied upon in sub­sti­tu­tion for detailed legal advice.

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