Employ­ment part­ner War­wick Ryan has been fea­tured in Smart­Com­pa­ny on why the num­ber of employ­ees seek­ing com­pen­sa­tion over work­place-relat­ed stress is on the rise.

Employ­ment part­ner War­wick Ryan has been fea­tured in Smart­Com­pa­ny on why the num­ber of employ­ees seek­ing com­pen­sa­tion over work­place-relat­ed stress is on the rise.

Work­Cov­er data obtained by Fair­fax shows the aver­age indi­vid­ual com­pen­sa­tion pay­out for psy­cho­log­i­cal injuries has risen from $73,000 in 2008-09 to almost $90,000 in 2013 – 14.


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