All arti­cles relat­ing to Work­place Health and Safety’

Con­grat­u­la­tions to Michael Byrnes & the Employ­ment Law team for being recog­nised in Doyles Guide 2023

Links to Doyles Guide Awards:Michael Byrnes for being recog­nised in Doyles Guide as a Rec­om­mend­ed Lead­ing Employ­ment Lawyers (Employ­er Rep­re­sen­ta­tion) – NSW, 2023, click linkSwaab Employ­ment Law team for being recog­nised in Doyles Guide as a Rec­om­mend­ed Lead­ing Employ­ment Law Firms (Employ­er Rep­re­sen­ta­tion) – NSW, 2023, click link…

Mary Digiglio is quot­ed in the arti­cle Entre­pre­neur­ial, inde­pen­dent, nim­ble: small­er firms can thrive”, pub­lished in The Aus­tralian on 7 June 2022

Head­count is tight by choice, the deci­sion not to expand beyond Syd­ney is also by choice. Man­ag­ing Part­ner Mary Digiglio said, ​“We are nim­ble, we can do what­ev­er we want, there is a rel­a­tive lack of red tape and we are only account­able to each oth­er” Mary went onto say, ​“this…

2022 Mer­i­tas Lead­ing Law Firm Net­works: The Elite (Legal Net­work) in Glob­al Mar­ket Lead­ers Legal Rankings

Glob­al Guide Rankings The Lead­ing Law Firm Net­works: The Elite (Legal Net­work) rank­ings table has been designed to pro­vide the most in-depth insights and reviews of the top ranked lawyers and law firms. The firms includ­ed in the rank­ings have been rec­om­mend­ed by in-house coun­sel, oth­er third-par­ty experts  About Mer­i­tas Mer­i­tas is…

Con­grat­u­la­tions Kat­ri­na Seck for being recog­nised in Doyles Guide as a Ris­ing Star — Employ­ment & WHS 2022

Kat­ri­na spe­cial­is­es in Employ­ment law, Work­place Rela­tions and Work Health and Safe­ty. Advis­ing on all stages of the employ­ment life-cycle, with expe­ri­ence in draft­ing employ­ment con­tracts and poli­cies, per­for­mance man­age­ment and the man­age­ment of dis­ci­pli­nary action, advice on the inter­pre­ta­tion of indus­tri­al instru­ments such as mod­ern awards and enter­prise agree­ments…

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