All arti­cles relat­ing to Employ­ment’

2019 a year of oppor­tu­ni­ties and growth

Whilst increased com­pe­ti­tion, dis­rup­tion and con­sol­i­da­tion con­tin­ue to play out through­out the legal sec­tor, our posi­tion in the mar­ket place of serv­ing entre­pre­neurs, busi­ness­es, inno­va­tors, fam­i­lies offices, fam­i­lies and gov­ern­ment remains in grow­ing demand. High­lights includ­ed help­ing a glob­al client with their nation­al busi­ness mod­el roll-out, work­ing with a num­ber of prop­er­ty…

Swaab Attor­neys announces a record nine promotions

Swaab Attor­neys are delight­ed to announce the fol­low­ing inter­nal pro­mo­tions across the fir­m’s employ­ment, lit­i­ga­tion, IP & tech­nol­o­gy, com­mer­cial, cor­po­rate and prop­er­ty, plan­ning and projects teams, effec­tive 1 July 2018. Spe­cial Counsel · Wendy Con­ce­icao, Prop­er­ty, Plan­ning and Projects · Stacey Collins, Prop­er­ty, Plan­ning and Projects Senior Asso­ciate · Tim­o­thy Hard­wick, Litigation · Alyce John­son, Prop­er­ty…

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