All arti­cles relat­ing to James Skelton’

James Skel­ton has been announced as a Young Gun of the Year’ final­ist in the Lawyers Week­ly Aus­tralian Law Awards

Con­grat­u­la­tions to James Skel­ton who has been announced as a final­ist in the ​‘Young Gun of the Year’ cat­e­go­ry of the Aus­tralian Law Awards 2017. Now in its 17th year, the annu­al Lawyers Week­ly Aus­tralian Law Awards cel­e­brates legal pro­fes­sion­als across 34 cat­e­gories from the most senior ranks to its ris­ing stars.We…

James Skel­ton announced final­ist in Lawyers Week­ly 30 under 30 awards

Swaab IP & Tech­nol­o­gy lawyer, James Skel­ton, has been announced a final­ist in the 2015 Lawyers Week­ly 30 under 30 awards in the Intel­lec­tu­al Prop­er­ty category. Now in its third year, ​‘30 Under 30’ sta­tus has been a spring­board for career pro­gres­sion for many young lawyers, giv­ing indus­try-wide recog­ni­tion for pro­fes­sion­al com­pe­tence while high­light­ing…

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