All arti­cles relat­ing to Prop­er­ty’

Swaab revealed as the fastest grow­ing law firm in Aus­tralia 2021, an inter­view with Swaab’s Man­ag­ing part­ner, Mary Digiglio

Swaab’s Man­ag­ing part­ner Mary Digiglio said, ​“the firm’s major growth had been in prop­er­ty, but no areas were subdued”. Mary went onto say, ​“the fir­m’s growth in part­ner num­bers have been a direct result of the fir­m’s strat­e­gy. With increased demand from our clients and fore­cast­ed demand from our key indus­try sec­tors…

Helen Kow­al to present on 25 March 2021 for Legal­wise | Design and Build­ing Prac­ti­tion­ers Act 2020: New Duties and Penal­ties for Architects

Helen Kow­al shares an out­line of the new duties and penal­ties for archi­tects under the new Design and Build­ing Prac­ti­tion­ers Act 2020. She will be delv­ing fur­ther into this top­ic at the upcom­ing Law for Archi­tects: Cru­cial Issues in Com­pli­ance and Con­tracts sem­i­nar on Thurs­day 25 March. Read out­line here…

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