All arti­cles relat­ing to Angela Harvey’

Angela Har­vey appeared on Talk Mon­ey To Me’ with Shaw and Part­ners, Can­dice Bourke and Felic­i­ty Thomas to dis­cuss estate plan­ning, asset pro­tec­tion and wealth transfer.

Angela Har­vey appeared on Talk Mon­ey To Me to dis­cuss estate plan­ning and asset pro­tec­tion with Shaw Part­ners, Can­dice Bourke and Felic­i­ty Thomas delv­ing into the intri­ca­cies of estate plan­ning, asset pro­tec­tion and wealth transfer. To lis­ten to the pod­cast click here (Spo­ti­fy) or here (LinkedIn) …

The New World of For­eign Direct Invest­ment, April 2023

This pub­li­ca­tion offers prac­ti­cal advice and guid­ance from high­ly respect­ed inter­na­tion­al law firms about what for­eign investors can expect to encounter when invest­ing in key juris­dic­tions. His­toric atti­tudes favour­ing glob­al­iza­tion are fun­da­men­tal­ly chang­ing the world. This trend direct­ly impacts future for­eign direct invest­ment trans­ac­tions as nations place high­er pri­or­i­ties on…

Angela Har­vey recog­nised in Doyles Guide 2020

As part of the Estate Plan­ning and Wealth Man­age­ment prac­tice, Ange­la’s expe­ri­ence includes asset pro­tec­tion, trusts, suc­ces­sion plan­ning, analysing estab­lished struc­tures, con­test­ed estates — includ­ing fam­i­ly pro­vi­sion mat­ters, fam­i­ly asset arrange­ments, and prepa­ra­tion of Wills, Pow­ers of Attor­ney and Endur­ing Guardian documents. Our ded­i­cat­ed pro­fes­sion­als have been select­ed because of their…

Angela Har­vey recog­nised in Doyles Guide 2019

As part of the Estate Plan­ning and Wealth Man­age­ment prac­tice, Ange­la’s expe­ri­ence includes asset pro­tec­tion, trusts, suc­ces­sion plan­ning, analysing estab­lished struc­tures, con­test­ed estates — includ­ing fam­i­ly pro­vi­sion mat­ters, fam­i­ly asset arrange­ments, and prepa­ra­tion of Wills, Pow­ers of Attor­ney and Endur­ing Guardian documents.Our ded­i­cat­ed pro­fes­sion­als have been select­ed because of their cul­tur­al…

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