All arti­cles relat­ing to Mary Digiglio’

Press Release | New Appoint­ment for Swaab

Wel­come, Lynne Hawes - Senior Asso­ciate, Prop­er­ty, Plan­ning & Projects and Stra­ta & Construction.“This appoint­ment comes at an impor­tant time in our fir­m’s ongo­ing growth with­in the Stra­ta & Con­struc­tion and Prop­er­ty, Plan­ning & Projects sec­tors. Lyn­n’s exten­sive exper­tise, expe­ri­ence, and capa­bil­i­ties will enhance both our Stra­ta & Con­struc­tion and Prop­er­ty, Plan­ning & Projects teams, enabling…

Press Release | Swaab Earns Recer­ti­fi­ca­tion in Mer­i­tas, the Pre­mier Glob­al Net­work of Inde­pen­dent Law Firms

Syd­ney, NSW (11 July 2024) – Swaab, a Syd­ney-based law firm, today announced that it has been award­ed recer­ti­fi­ca­tion in Mer­i­tas, the pre­mier glob­al alliance of inde­pen­dent busi­ness law firms. Swaab joined Mer­i­tas in 2009 and, as a con­di­tion of its mem­ber­ship, is required to suc­cess­ful­ly com­plete recer­ti­fi­ca­tion every three years based…

Press Release | Three New Appoint­ments for Swaab

Wel­comeDaniela Ter­ru­so — Senior Asso­ciate, Prop­er­ty, Plan­ning & Projects and Stra­ta & ConstructionSarah Abra­hams — Asso­ciate, Prop­er­ty, Plan­ning & ProjectsMaris­sa Arag­o­na — Solic­i­tor, Fam­i­ly Law“These appoint­ments occur at a piv­otal time in our fir­m’s ongo­ing growth. Their com­bined exper­tise, expe­ri­ence, and capa­bil­i­ties will enhance our Prop­er­ty, Plan­ning & Projects and Fam­i­ly Law teams. This enables us…

Reflec­tions on a Suc­cess­ful Mer­i­tas Annu­al Meet­ing – Char­lotte, North Carolina

The meet­ing offered unpar­al­leled oppor­tu­ni­ties for rep­re­sen­ta­tives from the glob­al Mer­i­tas net­work of 172 firms across more than 89 coun­tries to recon­nect with friends and col­leagues and to devel­op new relationships.The meet­ing start­ed with the sec­ond annu­al in-per­son meet­ing of the Women’s Lead­er­ship Con­gress (WLC), host­ed by the Wom­en’s Lead­er­ship…

Newest giant hous­ing devel­op­ment is just 7km from new airport

The vision of Cameron Brae’s founder, David Hazlett, was realised this week at the Bir­ling sod-turn­ing cer­e­mo­ny, a mas­ter-planned com­mu­ni­ty in Bringel­ly, NSW.  Bir­ling, the newest hous­ing devel­op­ment in Macarthur is just sev­en kilo­me­tres from the inter­na­tion­al air­port being built at Bad­gerys Creek. Cameron Brae Group has demon­strat­ed much loy­al­ty to our firm…

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