All arti­cles relat­ing to Nick Dale’

Nick Dale appeared in the Fed­er­al Court on 11 August 2023 act­ing for Koshib Invest­ment Pty Ltd which is suing Slater & Gor­don Ltd

In the case, Koshib Invest­ment Pty Ltd atf Koshib Fund v Slater & Gor­don, Koshib Invest­ment, a self-man­aged super­an­nu­a­tion fund is suing Slater & Gor­don Ltd over the com­pul­so­ry acqui­si­tion of its shares in Slater & Gor­don Ltd by an enti­ty asso­ci­at­ed with Alle­gro Funds. At a con­test­ed case man­age­ment hear­ing before Fed­er­al Court Jus­tice John Hal­ley…

Nick Dale will be speak­ing at the ACC 2023 In-House Coun­sel Day in Syd­ney — 18 May 2023

Nick Dale — Part­ner, Lit­i­ga­tion & Insol­ven­cy, will be speak­ing at the upcom­ing ACC 2023 In-House Coun­sel Day in Syd­ney, on the top­ic of, ​‘Nav­i­gat­ing an uncer­tain econ­o­my: sail­ing the seas of insol­ven­cy’ Nick will be co-pre­sent­ing with Karen Petch a com­mer­cial Bar­ris­ter with spe­cial­ist expe­ri­ence in insol­ven­cy and cor­po­ra­tions law. Event Details…

2023 Swaab’s Annu­al Insol­ven­cy, Financier & Com­mer­cial Drinks

Each year Swaab’s Insol­ven­cy, Financier and Com­mer­cial team hosts an indus­try wide net­work­ing func­tion. The event sees insol­ven­cy prac­ti­tion­ers, accoun­tants, com­mer­cial lenders, busi­ness advi­sors, asset val­uers and bar­ris­ters come togeth­er to enjoy an evening of net­work­ing with like-mind­ed peers, indus­try col­leagues and to make valu­able con­nec­tions. All while enjoy­ing Swaab’s…

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