All arti­cles relat­ing to Employ­ment’

Con­grat­u­la­tions Kat­ri­na Seck for being recog­nised in Doyles Guide as a Ris­ing Star — Employ­ment & WHS 2022

Kat­ri­na spe­cial­is­es in Employ­ment law, Work­place Rela­tions and Work Health and Safe­ty. Advis­ing on all stages of the employ­ment life-cycle, with expe­ri­ence in draft­ing employ­ment con­tracts and poli­cies, per­for­mance man­age­ment and the man­age­ment of dis­ci­pli­nary action, advice on the inter­pre­ta­tion of indus­tri­al instru­ments such as mod­ern awards and enter­prise agree­ments…

I dis­cussed the High Court deci­sions in ZG Oper­a­tions & Anor v Jam­sek & Ors and CFM­MEU & Anor v Per­son­nel Con­tract­ing Pty Ltd (and, in par­tic­u­lar, their poten­tial rel­e­vance to the gig econ­o­my) with Brooke Corte on Mon­ey News on 9 Feb­ru­ary 2022 on 2GB3AW

Michael Byrnes dis­cuss­es the High Court deci­sions in ZG Oper­a­tions & Anor v Jam­sek & Ors and CFM­MEU & Anor v Per­son­nel Con­tract­ing Pty Ltd (and, in par­tic­u­lar, their poten­tial rel­e­vance to the gig econ­o­my) with Brooke Corte on Mon­ey News on 9 Feb­ru­ary 2021 on 2GB, 3AW and 4BC (from 26:15): To lis­ten to the…

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