All arti­cles relat­ing to Employ­ment’

Michael Byrnes is quot­ed in the arti­cle, “ Inevitable’: Employ­ment lawyers warn Indige­nous voice flash­point’ for work­er dis­putes”, pub­lished in The Aus­tralian on 9 August 2023

Michael Byrnes is quot­ed in the arti­cle, “ ​‘Inevitable’: Employ­ment lawyers warn Indige­nous voice ​‘flash­point’ for work­er dis­putes”, pub­lished in The Aus­tralian on 9 August 2023,  Com­pa­nies such as Qan­tas, Clay­ton Utz, Transur­ban, BHP, Rio Tin­to, NAB, Wool­worths, and Lendlease have pub­licly endorsed the voice and will advo­cate for the Yes cam­paign…

Michael Byrnes is quot­ed in the arti­cle Legal impli­ca­tions and lessons from Net­work Ten v van Onse­len’, pub­lished in Lawyers Week­ly on 3 August 2023

Michael Byrnes is quot­ed in the arti­cle ​‘Legal impli­ca­tions and lessons from Net­work Ten v van Onse­len’, pub­lished in Lawyers Week­ly on 3 August 2023. Last month NSW Supreme Court Jus­tice David Ham­mer­schlag found that Peter van Onse­len breached his redun­dan­cy con­tract and the non-dis­par­age­ment clause with­in it. In this arti­cle, Michael…

Michael Byrnes Final­ist in the Lawyers Week­ly Part­ner of the Year Awards 2023 — Employment

“Con­grat­u­la­tions Michael Byrnes for being nom­i­nat­ed as a final­ist in the Lawyers Week­ly Part­ner of the Year Awards 2023. Your nom­i­na­tion is a tes­ta­ment to your hard work, com­mit­ment to client ser­vice, and ded­i­ca­tion to liv­ing the Swaab Brand of Ser­vice, you are tru­ly deserv­ing of this nom­i­na­tion.” Mary Digiglio — Man­ag­ing…

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