All publications relating to ‘Cyber’
Your website users could expose you to copyright infringement
Your website is under your control and you should ensure that all the material which you place on your website does not infringe the copyright of others. Regular auditing of your own website content is therefore advisable to avoid copyright infringement. However, in certain industries, such as personnel, education and…
Intellectual Property in a Cyber World
Intellectual property is the legal asset in innovation. The value of innovation to a business depends on the extent to which that innovation is directed to the needs of the relevant market. If an innovation meets that need effectively and uniquely, it can provide that business with substantially increased revenue and…
Privacy — It is everyone’s business
Even if you have no interest in privacy law, you would need to be living on a planet in a galaxy far, far away not to be aware of the GDPR. GDPR The GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), came into operation on 25 May 2018. During the weeks leading up to that date…
Protect the Intellectual Property in your Website
In setting up a website, it is essential to include standard terms which address such issues as liability disclaimers, user access terms and privacy policy. However, it is also important to ensure that your own intellectual property is fully protected and that you do not infringe the IP rights of others. 1…
AdWords: Paragons or Parasites?
Summary A recent Federal Court case has affirmed the position in Australia that the use of AdWords generally does not constitute trade mark infringement because it does not represent trade mark use. AdWords “AdWords” are marketed by Google and they can be very frustrating to the owners of well-known brands. AdWords…