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All pub­li­ca­tions relat­ing to Plan­ning & Environment’

Is your Com­ply­ing Devel­op­ment Cer­tifi­cate valid?

In the recent deci­sion of Wol­londil­ly Shire Coun­cil v Kennedy [2023] NSWLEC 53 the Land and Envi­ron­ment Court has held that the fail­ure by a cer­ti­fi­er or con­sent author­i­ty to include the ​‘pur­pose’ of devel­op­ment in a Com­ply­ing Devel­op­ment Cer­tifi­cate could ren­der that cer­tifi­cate invalid.  Impli­ca­tions A com­ply­ing devel­op­ment cer­tifi­cate can only be issued…

Land & Envi­ron­ment Court Declares Devel­op­ment Con­sent Invalid Over Fail­ure to Impose Rel­e­vant Conditions

The Land and Envi­ron­ment Court has held that the fail­ure to impose rel­e­vant con­di­tions on a devel­op­ment con­sent could ren­der it invalid. Back­ground Filetron Pty Ltd (Filetron) and Inno­vate Part­ners Pty Ltd atf Ban­ton Fam­i­ly Trust 2 (Inno­vate) were the own­ers of neigh­bour­ing prop­er­ties in Maru­lan, NSW, with Filetron’s land pro­vid­ing Inno­vate…

Court of Appeal clar­i­fies whether devel­op­ment stan­dards are juris­dic­tion­al pre­req­ui­sites to the grant of devel­op­ment consent

On 26 April 2023, the New South Wales Court of Appeal hand­ed down its deci­sion in El Khouri v Gemaveld Pty Ltd [2023] NSW­CA 78 which has fur­ther clar­i­fied whether com­pli­ance with a devel­op­ment stan­dard is a juris­dic­tion­al fact that must be sat­is­fied in order to enliv­en the pow­er of the Land and…

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