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All pub­li­ca­tions relat­ing to Employ­ment’

Tis the Sea­son to Avoid Fol­ly: Work­place Christ­mas Par­ties (2023 Edition)

It’s that time of year. The ​‘Sil­ly Sea­son’. For many organ­i­sa­tions, the offi­cial employ­er Christ­mas par­ty is imminent. The start­ing point for office Christ­mas par­ties is that they are an exten­sion of the work­place — employ­ers need to care­ful­ly bal­ance hold­ing and facil­i­tat­ing a fun event with main­tain­ing a safe, respect­ful envi­ron­ment for employees. …

Clos­ing Loop­holes or Rad­i­cal Change? The Fair Work Leg­is­la­tion Amend­ment (Clos­ing Loop­holes) Bill 2023

Ear­li­er this week, the Albanese Gov­ern­ment intro­duced the ​‘Fair Work Leg­is­la­tion Amend­ment (Clos­ing Loop­holes) Bill 2023’ (Bill), which con­tains a num­ber of sig­nif­i­cant reforms to the work­place rela­tions land­scape. If ful­ly imple­ment­ed in its cur­rent form, the Bill will lead to a num­ber of impli­ca­tions in the way busi­ness­es and work­ers engage…

Employ­ees & the Employ­er Posi­tion on the Voice in Parliament

Many sig­nif­i­cant organ­i­sa­tions, includ­ing large employ­ers, have adopt­ed a cor­po­rate posi­tion on the Abo­rig­i­nal and Tor­res Strait Islander Voice Ref­er­en­dum (Voice). It seems the vast major­i­ty of organ­i­sa­tions that have declared a posi­tion are in favour of the Voice, most recent­ly the Aus­tralian Olympic Com­mit­tee (AOC) Exec­u­tive and AOC Ath­letes’ Com­mis­sion, and…

Valen­tine’s Day in the Work­place (2023 Edition)

Valen­tine’s Day, the cel­e­bra­tion of romance and roman­tic love, takes place annu­al­ly on Feb­ru­ary 14. While many assid­u­ous­ly avoid what they con­sid­er to be a crass com­mer­cial­i­sa­tion of inti­mate rela­tion­ships, oth­ers embrace with rel­ish the oppor­tu­ni­ties it presents to either affirm or pur­sue romance. A few years ago exten­sive media cov­er­age (usu­al­ly with accom­pa­ny­ing…

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