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It’s almost time: Amend­ments to the Build­ing and Con­struc­tion Indus­try Secu­ri­ty of Pay­ment Act 1999 (NSW) to com­mence on 21 Octo­ber 2019

The Build­ing and Con­struc­tion Indus­try Secu­ri­ty of Pay­ment Act 1999 (NSW) (the Act) is about to under­go some changes. Those changes will apply to con­struc­tion con­tracts in New South Wales entered from 21 Octo­ber 2019. What are the changes?Ref­er­ence dates are goneThere are no more ref­er­ence dates. The con­cept of a ​‘ref­er­ence date’ will…

Cor­po­ra­tions and defamation

Sev­er­al high-pro­file Aus­tralians have become embroiled in defama­tion cas­es in recent months.  A pub­li­ca­tion about a per­son com­mu­ni­cat­ed to a third par­ty is defam­a­to­ry if an ordi­nary rea­son­able per­son would think it tends to: injure that per­son­’s rep­u­ta­tion by dis­parag­ing them;cause oth­ers to shun or avoid them;sub­ject them to hatred, ridicule or contempt. Can a com­pa­ny sue for defamation? What…

You got­ta have faith: good faith and deter­mi­na­tions under the SOP Act

Build­ing and Con­struc­tion Indus­try Secu­ri­ty of Pay­ments Act 1999 (NSW) The Build­ing and Con­struc­tion Indus­try Secu­ri­ty of Pay­ments Act 1999 (NSW) (SOP Act) pro­vides a statu­to­ry enti­tle­ment to progress pay­ments which runs par­al­lel to a con­struc­tion contract. Under the SOP Act, a par­ty may engage a reg­is­tered adju­di­ca­tor to make a deci­sion as to the amount…

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