All publications relating to ‘Strata’
Gaining control — what you can do under the new strata renewal legislation
Although Part 10 of the Strata Schemes Development Act 2015 commenced on 30 November 2016 (Part 10), the intricacies of the technical workings of Part 10 have still not been fully tested or considered by the Courts. This is testament to the fact that Part 10 requires a lengthy, convoluted and highly…
Home owners: what to do about defects
It seems a straightforward arrangement, a builder is contracted to build a residential building. They build it and hand it over to its owners. Contract fulfilled. But what if it isn’t that simple? As with most products, a building can look great on the outside but contain hidden defects. The difference is that building defects can…
The operation of privilege to advice given to a strata owners corporation
Question: can an owners corporation claim legal professional privilege over documents in connection with legal advice on its books and records as against a lot owner? The answer is yes, to an extent, but to what extent you may ask? The short answer is that it depends on the nature of the…