All publications relating to ‘Daniel Miller’
Validity, voidability and unenforceability in contract law
If you have entered into a contract, you or the other party have drafted without legal assistance, you should consider some of the unintended serious consequences that can arise, including where a contract or a term in a contract is void, voidable or unenforceable. There are differences between validity, voidability and unenforceability. This article…
Update on Statutory Demands – changes to minimum threshold and (for some) time to comply
On 1 July 2021, Schedule 1 to the Corporations Amendment (Statutory Minimum) Regulations 2021 (Cth) (Regulations) came into force, increasing the minimum amount which a debtor company must owe a creditor before that creditor can issue a statutory demand to the debtor (Statutory Minimum) and changing, for some debtors, the period in which debtors can…