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Insol­ven­cy Update | Statu­to­ry Demands, Bank­rupt­cy and Insol­vent Trad­ing | 26 March 2020

With COVID-19, the Coro­n­avirus Eco­nom­ic Response Pack­age Omnibus Bill 2020 (the Bill) has some sweep­ing changes to statu­to­ry demands, bank­rupt­cy and insol­vent trad­ing including: Statu­to­ry Demands: the min­i­mum debt for a statu­to­ry demand will be $20,000 (instead of $2,000)the time for com­pli­ance by a debtor com­pa­ny is now 6 months (instead of 21 days)This will apply…

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