All publications relating to ‘Richard Ottley’
Our most popular articles published during 2019
We are almost at the end of 2019, and with the end of a year comes the opportunity to reflect on our most popular articles published during the year:Deeds of Release and their effectiveness – update 2019 | Richard Ottley | Employment LawFair Work Commission – When will the Full Bench entertain an…
Fair Work Commission – When will the Full Bench entertain an appeal?
A question often asked by employers facing an unfair dismissal claim is, what happens if the matter cannot be settled? Whilst the vast majority of unfair dismissal cases are resolved at conciliation, some proceed to a hearing. On rare occasions they find their way from a hearing before a single Commissioner to the…
Personal/carers leave — how it should be calculated- latest developments- August 2019
Calculating employee entitlements can be complex and demanding at the best of times, however the decision of the Full Court of the Federal Court in Mondelez v Automotive, Food, Metals, Engineering, Printing and Kindred Industries Union known as the Australian Manufacturers Workers Union (AMWU) [2019] FCAFC 138 will, unless disturbed, add…
Deeds of Release and their effectiveness – update 2019
Introduction Releases and in particular, deeds of release, play a significant role in resolving disputes across a wide range of issues and at different stages in their evolution. It is a reasonable expectation to have, as the beneficiary of a release, that it will provide certainty going forward and that the person providing the…
Workplace Surveillance Act 2005 (NSW) Admissibility of evidence unlawfully obtained- latest developments
When it comes to the question of workplace surveillance, there are some employers who are not aware of the implications of applicable workplace surveillance legislation, and who discover its significance only when a challenge is made to evidence secured through workplace surveillance activities. In NSW, it is the requirements of the…
Change the rules – which ones? What businesses need to know about Labor’s employment policy
The Federal Election is less than two weeks away and the Australian Labor Party (Labor), has announced a robust and ambitious reform agenda. Within this reform agenda are key changes to the Australian Fair Work régime, and the question arises as to how will these changes impact Australian businesses if Labor…
Unfair Dismissal – Confidentiality no excuse for failure to consult on redundancy
A recent decision in the Fair Work Commission has shone a light on a dilemma which employers face when managing redundancies in the context of a confidential business acquisition. The dilemma is, at what point in time should the employer disclose to staff the impending acquisition and its likely impact upon their continuing…
Modern Award changes 2018 / 2019- Implications for employers
Employers face the constant challenge of trying to keep up with the pace of change to the industrial relations landscape. 2019 will prove to be no exception. Following the Fair Work Commission (FWC) four-yearly review of Modern Awards, there have been a wide range of changes to some key Modern Awards, including…
Restraints of trade and customer connections
It is well established that restraints of trade in employment contracts will not be enforced by a court if they are considered to be unreasonable. Sometimes a restraint of trade is deemed to be unreasonable because it operates over too wide an area, or for too long a period of time. Sometimes a restraint…
Avoiding redundancy pay where the employer “obtains other acceptable employment” for the employee: four recent cases
As most employers will be aware, the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) (Act) contains provisions requiring businesses to pay eligible employees a set amount of redundancy pay where the employee loses their employment due to their role being made redundant. What is perhaps less well known is, the provision at section 12…