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Approach to clas­si­fy­ing land as res­i­den­tial” or busi­ness” is confirmed

Approach to clas­si­fy­ing land as ​“res­i­den­tial” or ​“busi­ness” is con­firmed: Karim­bla Prop­er­ties v Coun­cil of the City of Syd­ney; Bay­side City Coun­cil; and North Syd­ney City Coun­cil [2017] NSWLEC 75 Why is Karim­bla important? Jus­tice Shee­han con­firmed the approach to deter­min­ing when to cat­e­gorise land as ​“res­i­den­tial” under sec­tion 516 of the Local…

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