Keep­ing you up-to-date with the lat­est legal devel­op­ments, leg­is­la­tion changes and case precedents.

Lat­est publications

Trans­port & Logis­tics — 2012 Mid-Year Round-Up and Outlook

In Brief Our Trans­port & Logis­tics Team’s round-up high­lights devel­op­ments in trans­port reg­u­la­tion that affect every­one, includ­ing the pro­posed imple­men­ta­tion of uni­form ​‘chain of respon­si­bil­i­ty’ laws nation­al­ly and the con­tro­ver­sial new ​‘safe rates’ legislation. We are half way through 2012 and it remains a busy agen­da for trans­port and logis­tics reg­u­la­tors and enforcers…

Think twice before dis­miss­ing employ­ees on Work­ers’ Compensation 

In Brief Employ­ers seek­ing to ter­mi­nate an employ­ee on Work­ers’ Com­pen­sa­tion with­in the pro­ba­tion­ary peri­od should take note of a recent deci­sion of Fair Work Aus­tralia which clar­i­fies how an employ­ee’s peri­od of con­tin­u­ous ser­vice is cal­cu­lat­ed, and high­lights the legal obsta­cles involved in ter­mi­nat­ing their employment.  How frus­trat­ing is it when an…

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