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Build­ing ener­gy effi­cien­cy update — Com­mer­cial Build­ings Manda­to­ry Dis­clo­sure Régime and Environment

In Brief — Mixed use build­ings, refur­bish­ments and Envi­ron­men­tal Upgrade Agreements The Com­mer­cial Build­ings Manda­to­ry Dis­clo­sure Régime has under­gone amend­ments, effec­tive 29 Novem­ber 2010, relat­ed to mixed use build­ings and refur­bish­ments. The Local Gov­ern­ment Amend­ment (Envi­ron­men­tal Upgrade Agree­ments) Bill 2010 facil­i­tates a financ­ing mech­a­nism for build­ing own­ers to imple­ment major long term…

Fam­i­ly busi­ness­es and employ­ment law — How prob­lems arise and how to pre­vent them

In Brief — Employ­ment prob­lems relat­ed to the size of a fam­i­ly business Fam­i­ly busi­ness­es typ­i­cal­ly encounter employ­ment prob­lems once they reach a cer­tain size. These prob­lems can arise because of short­falls in HR train­ing, work­force man­age­ment, com­mu­ni­ca­tion chan­nels, employ­ment pro­ce­dures, cri­te­ria for pro­mo­tion or pro­ce­dures for inves­ti­gat­ing inap­pro­pri­ate behav­iour, under­per­for­mance and complaints. How…

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