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New rules on blackout periods and trading windows for trading in listed company shares
In brief — Listed companies now need a trading policy From 1 January 2011 listed companies are required under ASX Listing Rule 12.9 to adopt a trading policy. Trading policies are designed to reduce the potential for conflicts of interest and insider trading. Blackout periods During a blackout period, directors and senior staff are prevented from trading…
Public access to company registers — the proper purpose test
Today anyone can access the register of members of any company (containing the names and addresses of all shareholders) with only a written request and payment of an administrative fee. Click here to read full article. …
‘Get up’ or overall impression of a product — Beware claims of infringement
Swaab Attorneys discusses the significance of the overall look of a product relative to its competitors in Canada’s Corporate Governance Quarterly. Click here to read full article. …
Family Law Update
This was a case of a long marriage, the parties having met in 1978 and married in 1986. They separated in 2003, after a marriage of 17 years, and divorced 2 years later. There were 4 children of the marriage, aged 19, 17, 16 and 13 at the time of trial. The younger 3 were still at…
AusLSA report on the environmental impact of law firms
In March 2011, the Australian Legal Sector Alliance (AusLSA) released a report on the consumption of energy, water and paper and the production of waste by its member law firms. …
Commencement of PPSA to be delayed
In brief – PPSA due to commence in October 2011 In a recent development, the commencement date of the Personal Property Securities Act 2009 (Cth) (PPSA) has been delayed from May 2011 to October 2011. The deferral of the commencement date is the result of industry requests for more time to prepare. Establishment…
“Free range” labelling of food products can be misleading
In brief — ACCC prosecutes egg producers for bogus free range claim Many people choose to pay more for products labelled “free-range” because they believe that the animals used in their production were treated in a more humane way. However, the ACCC’s recent successful prosecution of egg producers demonstrates that such labelling…
Can a parenting plan be enforced?
In Brief — Enforcement of court orders and parenting plans A court can fine or gaol a parent for not abiding by court orders. However, this is not the case with parenting plans. Parents’ responsibility Without court orders or parenting plans, both parents are legally responsible for their children’s upbringing and this responsibility continues…
Could your board minutes provide the evidence needed to protect you as a director?
In brief – Board minutes can serve as crucial evidence Having accurate minutes is not just a formality required under the corporations law. Detailed minutes may serve as the crucial evidence required to defend a director from charges of breaching of his or her duties, including charges of trading while insolvent. Definition and purpose…
Building owners can fund green improvements through council loans
In brief — Environmental upgrade agreements Building owners can now obtain financing through their local council via an environmental upgrade agreement (EUA) to assist in making green improvements to buildings. The amendments to the Local Government Act (NSW) 1993 to establish the scheme started on 18 February 2011. How the financing agreements work…